Castelo Apps Apps

Código de Processo Penal 3.4
Castelo Apps
Set of laws that regulate the criminal process in the country
Bíblia Sagrada 4.7
Castelo Apps
Have available the Word of God on your smartphone, wherever youare.
Código Civil 3.2
Castelo Apps
The best legal applications you find here. Lightweight, versatileand offline
Código de Defesa do Consumidor 4.1
Castelo Apps
The best juridical applications you find here. Lightweight,versatile and offline
CLT - Leis Trabalhistas 3.1
Castelo Apps
Coleção Jurídica: Os melhores aplicativos jurídicos você encontraaqui. Aplicativos leves e versáteis, de fácil consulta, e o melhor,offline. Você pode consultar de qualquer lugar na tela do seusmartphone, sem precisar estar conectado. Indicado para estudantese profissionais do direito. Código Civil Brasileiro, CLT - LeisTrabalhistas, Código de Processo Civil, Constituição FederalBrasileira, Código Penal Brasileiro, Código de Processo Penal eCódigo de Defesa do Consumidor.
Dom Casmurro -Machado de Assis 4.1
Castelo Apps
Complete the realistic ax trilogy of Assisi
Bible in Zulu and KJV english 3.0
Castelo Apps
In this same application you will find the Bible in Zulu, the 1883version, and the King James version in English. No internetrequired, once installed. Just install and use. You will have theWord of the Lord within reach, wherever you are. With modern, clearand modern language, Spread the Word of Our Lord.
Holy Bible 4.3
Castelo Apps
Derived from the Greek word "Biblion", which means "set of books",the Bible is the most read book in human history. It has more thansix million copies printed, seven times more than the Red Book,second on the list. The Bible is the most important book ofChristianity, it is of sacred value. In 2 Timothy 3:16 we read that"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,rebuking, correcting, and educating in righteousness," it meansthat the Bible writers wrote what God wanted them to write . Theinspiration of the Bible came directly from God to man, andtherefore is a most important doctrinal document. In thisapplication, we have the Bible with simple and modern language.Fully offline, after installation, you can read the word of Godeverywhere, whether at home or on the way to work. You can read andshare with your friends and anyone you like, offering moments ofjoy and peace. "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, toavert the bonds of death." Proverbs 13:14
Bíblia Falada 4.5.2
Castelo Apps
Bible in Portuguese audio
Bible Xhosa and KJV English 4.2.1
Castelo Apps
In this application you will find the Bible in Xhosa, and thewell-known and acclaimed King James Version in English. Onceinstalled, no internet is required. Just install and use. You willhave the Word of the Lord within reach, wherever you are. Withclear and modern language, Spread the Word of Our Lord.
Bíblia Sagrada Católica 4.3.2
Castelo Apps
Catholic Holy Bible in Portuguese
Holy Bible in Luganda
Castelo Apps
The most important book of Christianity, the Holy Bible, in Luganda
Quran in Swahili audio 2.0
Castelo Apps
Swahili Koran, with narrated text and audio.
Quran in Thai Audio 2.0
Castelo Apps
Quran in Thai, with narrated text and audio.
Short messages to share [SMS S 2.0
Castelo Apps
Sentences to send in the best moments
Código de Processo Civil 3.2
Castelo Apps
Code containing the rules of civil judicial procedure
Somali audio Quran 2.1
Castelo Apps
Somali Koran, with narrated text and audio
Código de Processo Civil 2.2
Castelo Apps
Possui as normas relacionadas aos processos judiciais de naturezacivil, e ainda estabelece prazos e recursos cabíveis e forma comoas partes devem conduzir o curso de uma ação civil.
Russian audio koran 2.1
Castelo Apps
The Qur'an is the holy book of the Islamic religion. The Qur'anisthe literal word of Allah, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, overaperiod of 23 years. Etymologically, the word Koran comes fromtheArabic verb that means declaim or recite. Therefore, the Qur'anisa "recitation." It is something that must be recited. All overtheworld, the Qur'an is one of the most widely read andpublishedbooks. There is still the practice, in most Muslimsocieties, thatthe Qur'an be given, not sold. The Quran has 114chapters orsurahs, divided into books, sections, parts, and verses.92 ofthese chapters were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in theholycity of Mecca, and the other 22 in Medina. The two in SaudiArabia.In this application, we make the Quran available in bothtext,narration and audio. There are also times of the fivesacredIslamic prayers for all countries. Usually these prayers mustbemade to Mecca. You can even share passwords for this app onyourfavorite social network.
Código Penal 4.1
Castelo Apps
Fully offline Penal Code
Bible God is the Lord 5.1
Castelo Apps
Illuminate your life path through Bible study
Holy Bible in Audio 5.2.14
Castelo Apps
Holy Bible in Audio in 35 languages
Rezando o Terço 3.5.21
Castelo Apps
Holy Rosary available in text and audio, plus bible and otherfunctions
Constituição Federal de 1988 5.1
Castelo Apps
Available in text and audio. Ideal for students and lawprofessionals
Horóscopo Diário 2.1
Castelo Apps
Horoscope with daily forecasts for all signs
Bible Dictionary 4.0.5
Castelo Apps
French Holy Bible Dictionary
K53 Test Questions and Answers 3.2.1
Castelo Apps
K53 Driving Test Q&A App
Daily Devotional in Zulu 1.0
Castelo Apps
Daily Devotional and Messages to share, in Zulu and English
Bíblia para Mulher 4.1
Castelo Apps
Version that allows women of faith to read, study and worship theLord wherever they are.
Constitution Côte d'Ivoire 2.0
Castelo Apps
Current constitution, 2016, which governs the so-called ThirdRepublic
Uzbek Quran 2.3.1
Castelo Apps
Quran in text and audio in three languages, English, Frenchanduzbek.